
Published 19th April 2024, Spiritual Awareness/Personal Development Insights and Strategies

Dark Secrets:
The Truth Behind Narcissistic Masks

Good Morning, Afternoon, Evening, wherever you are in the world as we speak, Welcome to The Takeover Strategy Blog. Welcome, Welcome, Welcome.

Do you ever feel like you're hiding who you are? Like you're pretending to be someone else to protect yourself?

Have you ever been accused of being too into yourself by a friend or someone you're dating?

It can feel pretty bad to be called something so negative by others.

These days, new words and ideas are always popping up in the media. "Narcissism" is been getting a lot of attention lately as people try to understand certain behaviors.

We live in a time where everything needs to fit into neat categories to make sense. But even with lots of YouTube videos out there, it's hard to find the real deal about narcissism. So, let me break it down for you.

First off, being narcissistic isn't a sickness, and it can be fixed. Pretty much everyone has some narcissistic traits unless they've done a lot of work on themselves.

Narcissism basically means "The Unhealed." It's like a measure of how much healing someone needs to do.

I won't get into all the traits of someone who's unhealed right now, but I want to give you a basic idea. If you've met someone, like an ex or a friend, who really seems to fit the bill of a narcissist, they probably need some inner fixing.

It's important to understand that these people aren't just plain bad. Anyone can work on their narcissistic tendencies if they decide to do some self-improvement.

These traits usually point to some deep-seated issues that need sorting out, whether it's from this life or ones before it.

Did you know that most narcissistic people actually want to get better? But not everyone takes that step, often because they're stuck in their old ways.

The image that narcissists show to the world is fake, covering up their true selves buried under layers of hurt. The two main traits of narcissism are thinking too highly of oneself and craving lots of attention.

Thinking too highly of oneself usually comes from not trusting oneself enough, so they look for others to make them feel good. Wanting lots of attention often comes from not getting enough love and support when they are young.

Narcissists put up this fake image to protect themselves from feeling insecure and vulnerable. Even though they might seem confident on the outside, inside they're full of self-doubt and fear.

Living like this is really tiring and takes a toll on your mental and emotional health.

To break free from being a narcissist, you have to face your true self, flaws and all. That's the only way to really heal and grow.

How do you heal and grow from it? Clearly you should book an appointment with the takeover strategy. But if you want to make a difference on your own, you need to first understand the traits you have, once you see them you can heal them.

I can hear you saying so how do I find them?
Reflection, lots of Reflection. And by reflection, I don't mean staring in the mirror, Wally!

Walks in Nature, Time alone, lots of time alone, Meditation, and Journalling, to get to the root cause you have to go deep within yourself, I'd recommend solitude, a balance of reflection and society, being around friends and family, people who understand you.

Remember this isn't an illness, you are not ill, and if you have been called a narcissist and you are watching this, there is nothing wrong with you, you are normal, just like the rest of us, life is a journey, we are all meant to come here to clear our baggage and learn in the process.

Look let's aim to be real and open instead of hiding behind a fake image or a fake terminology.

Embracing our imperfections helps us love ourselves for who we truly are.

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John Thompson

CEO/Founder, Business Development Entrepreneur & Life Coach

Kasia Papadopoulos

Freelance Lead Designer, and Business Development Entrepreneur & Life Coach

Jake Mann

Freelance SEO Expert and Digital Marketer

Deema Patel

Freelance Email Marketer and Content Writer


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