
Published 3rd April 2024, Personal Development Insights and Strategies/Spiritual Awareness

From Business to Spirit: My Personal Development Journey

Good Morning, Afternoon, Evening, wherever you are in the world as we speak, Welcome to The Takeover Strategy Blog. Welcome, Welcome, Welcome.

Let me ask you something!

Do you think you have found your life purpose? You know, we all have a purpose, some are bigger than others, but they still have the same value regardless of size.

I believe that everyone is meant to fulfill their life purpose, they find it and they try to achieve it.

However, sadly things get in the way, things become shiny here or on earth to tempt you, which usually steers you away from it.

What if you haven't started on your life purpose? What if you still had to find your life purpose? What do you think your life purpose is or even could be? It's an interesting question, right?

I started my career in business development, focusing on growing companies and expanding their reach.

Through this experience, I learned the importance of building relationships and strategic planning.

However, I soon realized that business success was not enough for me.

I yearned for something more, something deeper.

That's when I embarked on a journey of self-discovery and personal development.

It was through this journey I found myself, although it wasn't the self-image I believed I had, it was a false self.

It was a self-built-up of past life traumas and present life childhood traumas, my inner self was reflecting my outer self they weren't aligned.

I then delved into books, attended workshops, and sought guidance from mentors, some I still speak to today.

I discovered the power of mindset, resilience, and continuous learning.

As I grew personally, I also grew professionally, this is because I started to align more with my true self.

I was on a healing journey that would lead me to my life purpose, as I healed, my vibrational energy changed, so I started to attract more high-vibrational people into my life, but also I got closer to my purpose.

As I grew I craved spiritual awareness and a deeper connection to my purpose. I began exploring meditation, mindfulness, and holistic practices. And through this journey, I found balance, peace, and a sense of fulfillment.

I found myself excelling in my career, taking on new challenges, and inspiring others along the way.

But there was still a missing piece.

The seed of the takeover strategy was born in stages, I met certain people at certain times which led me to follow breadcrumbs.

The thing is you do not see how you have been led until you look back, when you look back you can see clearly that you have been led to this certain moment in time.

As I grew my purpose was presented to me on a car journey on my own in the country, I pulled over and made note after note. I then got back home and continued all night.

One week later the notes were in a draw building up dust. I wasn't ready.

Two years later after more healing, and more personal development I was ready to embark on a journey. I found the notes just tidying my office, and the takeover strategy was born.

Really from navigating the corporate world to exploring my inner self, I've learned valuable lessons along the way that have shaped me into the person I am today.

Through my experiences, I hope to inspire and empower others to prioritize their personal growth and development, both professionally and spiritually.

Whether you're just starting in your career or seeking a deeper connection with yourself, there's always room for growth and self-discovery

Today, I stand here as a testament to the power of personal development and spiritual growth.

I have learned that true success comes from within,

Thank you for joining me on this journey.

Remember, the key to unlocking your full potential lies in your willingness to grow and evolve.

Thanks for watching and don't forget to subscribe to my channel for more inspiration and personal development tips.

Schedule a complimentary 45-minute call.

Together, we'll integrate that positive mindset perfectly aligning you to your life purpose. 




John Thompson

CEO/Founder, Business Development Entrepreneur & Life Coach

Kasia Papadopoulos

Freelance Lead Designer, and Business Development Entrepreneur & Life Coach

Jake Mann

Freelance SEO Expert and Digital Marketer

Deema Patel

Freelance Email Marketer and Content Writer


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