Hello & Good Afternoon to you all from where ever you are in the world!

So here we are again ready for your Monday session of The Takeover Strategy, today is going to be a good day, with lots of great things to say, so buckle up, and let’s begin!

Now, don’t worry today will be the day you find out the conclusion to the Diego situation, I won’t leave you hanging again on the subject, however, I  can’t promise on other subjects.

But before we start, now I know you are thinking “Just tell us what happens” I will shortly, but I want to recap on some things we spoke about in our last blog “Blue Sky thinking, the sky’s the limit” If you haven’t read it it’s best you read this first to catch up and start from our very first Blog, so you join the journey. There were two key points in my last Blog which were “Value” & “Legacy”, the one I want to delve more deeply into is “Value”.

“Value” is very important for several reasons from a personnel perspective and Career perspective, truthfully they both work hand in hand. If you don’t value the people around you, you probably don’t value yourself, and if you don’t value yourself then we have a problem. I know that sounds harsh and it probably is, I know this first hand, I have done it, and I’ve made mistakes, but I have learned and I am still learning from the valuable people I have in my life currently and the people that have been and gone. It’s important to look at the people you have around you do this now “Stop reading for a minute” and think of five people that are no longer in your life, I want you to think of two things where they added value to your life, What did you learn from them? It could be anything, compromise, communication, or being more structured in your career, I had one girl I dated for a while and one of the things she taught me is how to cook fajitas properly, it’s safe to say I have never looked back! But joking aside it’s important to have the open mindfulness of “Value” because when you do that you notice your growth and when you notice your growth, you then understand you are growing and when you understand you are growing this then helps build your “SELF CONFIDENCE” 

So, that’s just one way of looking at “VALUE” from a personal perspective, however, the reason why “VALUE” based on your personal life and your career life intertwin is that when you learn this concept of valuing what you have had in the past and what you have learned, and what you are currently valuing and learning, you then take this mindfulness into your career which takes you to whole another level, I shall explain. When you start to look at “VALUE” this way you then start to open your mindset to value in the workspace, you start to learn faster, you start to look at the negotiation of deals differently, what am I getting from this deal? Is there anything more I can gain from this deal? Is there anything I could do to add “VALUE” to my client’s needs? you start to see a clear picture in regards to how you want to sell. Now, I am not saying this is the only thing that plays a role in your closing more deals, but it’s defiantly an important factor, Not only that you start to “VALUE” others in the workplace, and when you start to “VALUE” what they do for you and what the business as a whole does for you, they then do more for you and you then get more growth from that business. FACT!

OK, I can’t give too many of my secrets away 🙂 but you will see them develop over the coming weeks, months, and years, we will go in-depth on these subjects in our video tutorials/pdf Strategies in the future, and these will be available for you to implement in walk-through step-by-step instructions, we will keep you posted as an when they become available.

So drum roll please, the moment you have all been waiting for!! Yes, the final season of “Diego”:)

So if you remember we had got to the point of Diego telling me he had a “SECRET” Truthfully it freaked me out a little when he told me in his broken South London/South American accent. He said “Can I trust you” At this point I was crapping my pants, full of excitement too as I knew I was going to get answers. I said “Yes of course” “Everything Stays between Us,” He said “I am not really from South America,” I thought, no shit Sherlock! “I of course replied, “What do you mean?” “You are from Argentina?” He said “No I am British, my accent isn’t real” As he started talking in a South London accent, I said, “Why do you put on an accent?” He said I will tell you, ok guys see you on Wednesday, I will finish this off Wednesday the 31st of May 2023.

Not really!!!!!!!!!! haha, So he explained “I started my first business from my back garden, I had nothing” I built my businesses up from scratch from nothing, I am now a Multi-Millionaire, I was persistent, I never gave up, I had tons of up’s and down’s, but I made it” I was willing to sacrifice everything for my goal, I even changed who I AM!” “I knew the core of my business was in South America, but South Americans only like to deal with their people, and I was British!” So I took what money I had from the first part of my business which was not a lot at all, as it was with local suppliers and I had acting classes and I had language classes” It took me three years to become fluent in their language and around two years to get to a point where I was comfortable in playing a role, I then targeted there businesses, and I won them over.” I was in shock, massive shock, he had done all that to get to where he is today, he “VALUED” himself, “BACKED” himself, and “DROVE” forward. He said “All my clients think I am from Argentina, but I’m based in London, but truthfully now if I told them they would laugh and they would be very happy, it wouldn’t be an issue now, back then it was harder,” I said, “Why do you still do it”? He said, “It’s a part of me now, and it reminds me every day what I did to get to where I am today.”

So that was it he kept speaking to me in a South American accent until I lost touch with him and moved on with my career, even though he had told me the truth he still played the part, he didn’t break character, although he would talk and give me to odd wink here and there, just to say I know you know. He loved it now looking back. I took a lot from him about who I am today, he taught me some valuable lessons which included never breaking character, and always staying true to yourself and who you are, although he wasn’t the character he played. Also, and you will see me harp on about this a lot, he taught me to be persistent and ruthless when it comes to getting something I wanted. If you are not currently like this, and you want to be, stick around because this will be life-changing.

See you all on Friday the 2nd of June 2023, when I will have more stories to tell and interesting facts and figures!

All the best

The Takeover Strategists 






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