Hello & Good Morning to you all from where ever you are in the world!

So, I guess I have kept you hanging for long enough in regards to my last blog post where I explained about an old client of mine which we called Diego! As I explained Diego was a wealthy man, very successful in business and he had a beautiful family, and I had the pleasure of spending a huge amount of time with him and his family, to say I learned a lot from Diego was an understatement, he was just another spoke in my wheel that had taught me so much in business along with the many others I had met on my journey to being a highly successful entrepreneur.

In our journey together meaning you and me, I will talk about many different people I have met and the experiences I had with them, along with the things I learned from them, so in a way, I will be passing the knowledge onto you, which is part of my purpose, so I am honored to do that. I always have said to myself if I can make one person smile a day or help one person start on a new path then I am good with that, I believe all humans should think this way, because do you know what happens? You start with one, one leads to two, two leads to four and before you know it you are helping thousands of people a day, and how inspiring is that? AMAZING

OK, yes Diego, as I explained when I first met him I believed he was from Argentina he had a strong South American accent, and dark features, so why would I think any differently? Right?  It wasn’t until I started taking him for lunches as he was a very BIG Client of mine that I noticed as he consumed more alcohol he would move out of his character and become the person he was, which was a guy called David, Dave for short who lived in South London, he was British, the family was British, no connection to South America at all.

As we got to know each other we became very good friends, we got on very well, and we were very similar individuals, very driven, very dedicated, and persistent to leave a legacy. Actually whilst we are talking about Legacy, this is an IMPORTANT POINT take note, when you are starting your own business or you are trying to strengthen your career, or perhaps you are a Sales Director/Managing Director of a small or large business, DON’T EVER DO ANYTHING FOR YOU! DO IT FOR PEOPLE YOU VALUE OR DO IT TO MAKE OTHERS LIVES MATTER! Why? Because whether you believe it or not we are here on earth to serve others. I want you to imagine this, so sit there where you are right now and imagine the earth as a HUGE Secondary School or a College for those of you from other seas, and all the people you see every day whether you know them or not are all part of your school, but the ones that you know and you interact with are actually in your class or classes. So, your teacher (LIFE) sets you tests or let’s say homework, what do you do? You work as a TEAM with others and you help them, which in hand helps you! When we talk about legacy, yes focus on that Legacy, but don’t focus on your legacy, focus on the legacy of others, this will then lead to you fulfilling your legacy with joy and abundance.

I have a habit of doing this, perhaps it’s my writing style 🙂 but I will go off on a tandem from time to time so bear with me, although my tandem can be very knowledgeable! Diego and I went out one night for an evening meal, paid through the company I worked for at the time I must add, oh happy days 🙂 At this point, I hadn’t met his family, but we had been dealing with each other for a good few months, I had been told by a colleague that he wasn’t from Argentina, I never believed him, but I wanted to find out for myself, it intrigued me!  After a good few hours and quite a lot of drink, I noticed him breaking character again and I thought this is my chance, I was so desperate to know, but what if he was from Argentina, I would look an idiot and I might offend him, however, me being me, I always say what I think, which does get me in trouble from time to time I decided to pursue.

Firstly, how I managed the situation was key I joked with him, so having confidence was very important, when he broke character I tested the water by saying “Did I catch a South London accent there” but how I put it across was in a joking and calm manner, he just thought I was refereeing how drunk he was. After doing this several times BOOM “he said in a South American accent” I have a secret, I said do you he said yes, do you know why I am so successful? I said well yeah you are good at what you do, he said no “LISTEN” I was thinking holy shit he’s going to come clean, and what he said next shocked me to my core!

Tune into my NEXT BLOG on Monday the 29th of May 2023 to find out what he told me, CRAZY CRAZY CRAZY! YOU WON’T BELIEVE IT!


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