Business Abundance, Transformation
Affiliate Programs/Courses

 Join our affiliate programs and turn your passion for our Service Programs and Courses into profit! With generous commissions and a dedicated support team, our affiliate program makes it easy for you to earn money while spreading the word about a products and services you believe in. Plus, with our proven track record of satisfied customers, you can trust that you're promoting a valuable resources that delivers real results. Don't miss out on this opportunity to monetize your influence and help others succeed in the digital world. 

Download this E-Book and get a more in-depth look into the takeover strategies Affiliate Programs. 

Why you should Join our Affiliate Programs?

Unlock Lucrative Opportunities

Joining our Affiliate Programs opens lucrative opportunities for seasoned and budding entrepreneurs. Our tailored programs cater to affiliates by providing a comprehensive spectrum of services aimed at various stages of business development. Whether your clients are initially building a new business, seeking to restructure an existing venture, or aiming to scale up their operations, our programs are designed to meet their diverse needs. As an affiliate, you become an essential bridge, connecting clients with solutions that empower them to thrive in today's dynamic business landscape. The potential for substantial financial rewards awaits those who partner with us as you leverage our suite of services to address your clients' unique challenges and aspirations.

Comprehensive Support and Resources

We understand that success in affiliate marketing hinges on the quality of support and resources available. By joining our Affiliate Programs, you can access many tools and materials to facilitate your marketing efforts. From in-depth market insights to cutting-edge promotional materials, we provide you with everything you need to showcase our services' value to your audience effectively. Our dedicated affiliate support team is committed to assisting you at every step, ensuring you have the knowledge and resources to optimize your marketing strategy. With a robust foundation of support, you can focus on what you do best – connecting clients with solutions that propel their businesses forward.

Build Long-Term Residual Income

Our Affiliate Programs offer immediate financial gains and the opportunity to build a sustainable, long-term income stream. As your referred clients progress through the various stages of business development, you earn commissions, creating a residual income that grows over time. We value the relationships you forge with clients, and our tiered commission structure reflects this commitment. As you contribute to the success of businesses in their infancy, restructuring phases, or expansion endeavors, you are rewarded with ongoing financial benefits. Join us on this journey, where your efforts today pave the way for a consistent and growing income tomorrow, aligning your success with the prosperity of the businesses you assist.

"Four Pillars to Business Abundance"

Introducing Our Signature Program

"Four Pillars to Business Abundance." Crafted with precision and expertise, this program is a comprehensive roadmap designed to guide individuals and businesses through the intricate stages of development. Comprising four key pillars, each with Eleven specialized sub-stages, our program caters to the unique needs of start-ups. Clients can choose individual stages or opt for a holistic approach by selecting multiple pillars that align with their business objectives. The implementation process seamlessly integrates into their operations, ensuring a smooth and impactful transition.

Unparalleled Support with Bi-Weekly Updates

At the heart of our Four Pillars to Business Abundance program is a commitment to providing unparalleled support. We understand the significance of staying connected throughout the journey, and to facilitate this, we offer two weekly calls to provide clients with real-time updates on the implementation progress. Each stage is meticulously crafted to span three months, allowing for a comprehensive integration into the client's business. This consistent engagement ensures that our clients are guided through the transformative process and equipped with the knowledge and support needed to navigate the evolving landscape of their industry. With the Four Pillars to Abundance, we pave the way for business growth and sustained prosperity and abundance.

"Four Levels to Business Transformation"

Unveiling Business Resurgence

Experience the power of revival with our specialized program, "Four Levels to Business Transformation." Tailored for businesses that have thrived in the past but are currently facing challenges, this program is a strategic guide to revitalizing and restructuring your enterprise. Comprising four distinctive levels, each intricately connected to Nine specific sub-stages, our transformative approach is engineered to rejuvenate businesses facing downturns or stagnation. Clients can select individual levels or opt for a holistic approach, allowing for a bespoke solution that precisely addresses their unique circumstances. This program is not just a strategy; it's a commitment to breathing new life into businesses with a rich history and a future brimming with potential.

Guided Restructuring with Ongoing Support

The cornerstone of our Four Levels to Business Transformation program lies in its ability to navigate businesses through a thoughtful and strategic restructuring process. Recognizing that each business has its own story, our program is designed to provide the tailored support needed for a successful resurgence. With two weekly calls offering real-time updates, clients are kept informed about the progress of the restructuring efforts. Each level spans three months, allowing for a comprehensive overhaul that addresses core issues and sets the foundation for sustained success. Join us in this transformative journey, where we not only revive the past glory of your business but strategically position it for a flourishing future.

"Four Tiers to Business Manifestation"

Elevate Success

"Four Tiers to Business Manifestation." This transformative initiative is crafted for businesses that have reached a commendable level of success and are now poised to ascend to new heights. Comprising four strategic tiers, each intricately structured with ten specialized sub-stages, our program is a blueprint for businesses aiming to manifest their full potential. Clients can choose individual tiers or opt for a comprehensive approach, aligning with their ambitions to propel their successful enterprises to the next level.

Strategic Expansion with Targeted Guidance

At the core of our Four Tiers to Business Manifestation program is a commitment to strategically guide thriving businesses toward unprecedented growth. Recognizing the unique challenges and opportunities at this advanced stage, our program offers targeted support tailored to the specific needs of successful enterprises. With a focus on sustained success, two weekly calls provide clients with real-time updates on the strategic expansion efforts. Each tier spans three months, allowing for a thorough and strategic approach to propel businesses beyond their current achievements. Join us in this transformative journey, where we amplify your business's current success and strategically pave the way for its manifestation into new realms of prosperity.


If you're still uncertain, consider scheduling a call to address any questions or concerns you may have.

We're here to discuss and assist you further.

Welcome to Our Affiliate Program Guidelines

We're excited to have you as part of our affiliate family! Our affiliate program is more than just a business arrangement; it's a collaborative journey based on trust, transparency, and mutual growth. When we work together with integrity, both you and we thrive. 

To ensure the authenticity of our partnership, we've put together some straightforward guidelines that we kindly ask all our affiliates to follow. These guidelines are not just rules; they're the building blocks that safeguard our brand's reputation and maintain our customers' trust in us.

A Fair Play Policy

Let's cherish what makes our program unique—spreading the word about our offerings to a larger audience. We kindly ask you to avoid using our affiliate links to promote your products. This approach ensures that we can keep the focus on delivering exceptional value to our cherished customers.

Keeping It Genuine

We're all about ensuring our customers receive genuine value through authentic interactions. Please refrain from using rebate schemes or cashback offers. These practices are not in line with the integrity of our partnership. Our ultimate goal is to attract customers who genuinely connect with our offer.

Upholding Trust

Trust forms the very foundation of our business. We assure you that engaging in scams, deceitful tactics, or activities that could potentially harm our customers or tarnish our reputation goes against our core values. Our commitment is unwavering—to foster a partnership firmly rooted in honesty and transparency, upholding the highest standards of professionalism at all times.


Payment Terms: Programs/Courses

Four Pillars to Business Abundance, Four Levels to Business Transformation, Four Tiers to Business Manifestation
"Business Programs" Commissions

We're thrilled to bring you a great opportunity as an affiliate with us. When you successfully introduce clients to our services, you'll earn a solid 10% commission on the total exchange between the client and the takeover strategy. This includes any stage of the takeover strategies, Business Development Programs and any coaching add-ons the clients choose.

You'll get your 10% commission 60 days after the client makes their purchase. This timeframe aligns with our implementation stages, ensuring a fair payout process. We understand the intricacies of our business, where we strategically implement stages into the client's operations, and we consider the need for a nuanced approach to cancellations.

To address potential challenges, we provide a 14-day cancellation guarantee for clients. This window allows them enough time to evaluate the engagement. We respect the time and effort invested in our services and aim to find a balance that protects both parties' interests.

We believe in clarity and want our affiliates to be well-informed about the cancellation policy, ensuring transparency regarding their position on monthly fees. This approach safeguards our affiliates and promotes a collaborative and mutually beneficial partnership between our company and the dedicated affiliates who contribute to our success.

While the 10% commission may seem smaller than other businesses, our programs are high-ticket, translating to high profits for our affiliates. Additionally, we use the user-friendly idev affiliates platform, which provides all the marketing documentation you need to create effective links and attract clients. Clicking the sign-up link will take you to our terms and conditions, so read them. From there, you'll be directed to idev affiliates to complete the sign-up process.

Four Pillars to Business Abundance, Four Levels to Business Transformation, Four Tiers to Business Manifestation
"Course" Commissions

We're thrilled to bring you a great opportunity as an affiliate with us. When you successfully introduce clients to our services, you'll earn a solid 10% commission on the total exchange between the client and the takeover strategy. This includes any stage of the takeover strategies, Business Development Programs and any coaching add-ons the clients choose.

You'll get your 10% commission 60 days after the client makes their purchase. This timeframe aligns with our implementation stages, ensuring a fair payout process. We understand the intricacies of our business, where we strategically implement stages into the client's operations, and we consider the need for a nuanced approach to cancellations.

To address potential challenges, we provide a 14-day cancellation guarantee for clients. This window allows them enough time to evaluate the engagement. We respect the time and effort invested in our services and aim to find a balance that protects both parties' interests.

We believe in clarity and want our affiliates to be well-informed about the cancellation policy, ensuring transparency regarding their position on monthly fees. This approach safeguards our affiliates and promotes a collaborative and mutually beneficial partnership between our company and the dedicated affiliates who contribute to our success.

While the 10% commission may seem smaller than other businesses, our programs are high-ticket, translating to high profits for our affiliates. Additionally, we use the user-friendly idev affiliates platform, which provides all the marketing documentation you need to create effective links and attract clients. Clicking the sign-up link will take you to our terms and conditions, so read them. From there, you'll be directed to idev affiliates to complete the sign-up process.


We purchased the whole package, and it's simply marvellous how effortless it is to work with these guys

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Jennifer Mitchell

Clayton Ltd


I had a business idea, but no idea how to start it. The Takeover Team took my idea and transformed it, so happy with the end result

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Leroy Mitchell

Keeping it Real

Frequently Asked Questions

What Commission Structure Do You Offer?
We're all about transparency, so let me break down our commission structure for you. We offer a competitive commission rate based on a percentage of the sales you generate through your affiliate efforts. The more successful sales you make, the more you earn – it's that straightforward. We believe in rewarding your hard work, so as you help us grow, your earnings will also increase. Rest assured, your dedication won't go unnoticed, and we're excited to create a win-win partnership with you through our commission structure. Take a look above and get more details.

What Products or Services Do You Offer?
You know what's cool? We've got this whole range of products and services that are awesome. It's like this treasure trove of solutions that can make life better. So, when you jump on board as an affiliate and share these gems with your crew, you're not just promoting stuff – you're hooking them up with things that can make a difference. Plus, you get to score some rewards yourself. It's like helping others while treating yourself too – a win-win situation!

What Marketing Materials Do You Provide? 
As an affiliate, we want to make your life easy. We offer many ready-to-go resources like eye-catching banners, catchy text links, and even some super engaging email templates. These materials are designed to help you effectively spread the word about our products and services without breaking a sweat. You'll have all the tools you need to create some buzz and connect with your audience in a way that resonates. So, whether you're a social media whiz, a blogger, or love sharing things with friends, our marketing materials help you shine and make your affiliate journey a breeze!

How Do You Track Conversions and Provide Reporting?
Tracking conversions and staying in the loop is our jam! We've got this nifty system that keeps tabs on all your referrals' actions. When someone uses your unique affiliate link and makes a purchase, our system automatically records it. And the best part? You don't have to be a tech wizard to understand what's happening. We provide you with a user-friendly dashboard where you can see all the necessary details – from clicks to conversions. You'll always know how your efforts are paying off and the impact you're making. It's like having your success tracker right at your fingertips! You fill out our application, and once accepted, you will receive an email with all your documentation, including links and login details.

What is Your Cookie Duration?
Ah, the cookie duration – that's a good question! When someone clicks on your affiliate link, a unique cookie gets stored in their browser. This cookie is like a little tracker that remembers you for a certain period. Our cookie duration is 120 days, So even if they don't act immediately, you're covered as long as it's within that window. It's like your secret helper, ensuring you get credit for your excellent referrals!

What Support and Communication Can I Expect?
When you become an affiliate, you join our family; we take that seriously. We've got a dedicated team ready to answer any questions, provide guidance, and ensure you're set up for success. You'll have access to a personal affiliate manager who's your go-to buddy for all things affiliate-related. But that's not all – we're big on communication, too. We'll keep you in the loop with regular updates, newsletters, and exciting promotions or changes. Plus, we're always here to listen to your feedback and ideas. It's a partnership, and your success is our success. So, whether you need advice or resources or want to chat, know we've got your back and are just a message away. It's like having your support squad cheering you on!


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