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Our Support Team 

Contact us with any question or query that you may have and we will respond shortly.

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We offer full support to everyone who needs help; we are here to help you grow and achieve greatness. We are available for a Free 45-minute complimentary strategy call anytime; please see the working hours below. We are also available via email; please allow two working days for a response.


We offer coaching services to both individuals and businesses, encompassing both business and life coaching. Our coaching process typically commences with a complimentary 45-minute call, during which we delve into the client's needs and aspirations. Following this initial discussion, we collaborate to formulate a tailored strategy designed to propel them forward.

For clients engaged in our service programs, coaching is seamlessly integrated into the process. As part of our service programs, there's a dedicated coaching stage wherein we not only guide individuals or their employees through the implementation of our strategies but also educate them on the underlying processes. This not only aids in understanding the current endeavor but also equips them with valuable insights for future initiatives.


At The Takeover Strategy, we cater to individuals and businesses of all sizes, offering tailored support to meet their unique needs. Whether it's guiding individuals towards their life purposes, assisting in launching new ventures, or aiding businesses in restructuring and expansion, we provide holistic solutions for diverse growth aspirations.

In addition to business development, The Takeover Strategy specializes in life coaching, covering a spectrum of areas including relationship management, career advancement, personal and spiritual growth, as well as providing therapy for anxiety, depression, and cognitive behavioral techniques. Our comprehensive approach ensures that both men and women are equipped to navigate their personal and professional journeys with confidence and clarity.


Guess what? There's no such thing as a silly question. Seriously, if you've got something niggling at you, we're here and ready to listen. The Takeover Team? We're like your trusty sidekicks, standing by no matter what. We've got your back, whether big, small, or somewhere in between. So, go ahead and drop us a line whenever you fancy.


Robins Nest Offices, Cadeby, Warwickshire, CV13 0BA

8.30 am -18.00pm GMT Mon - Fri

7.00 am -16.00pm GMT Sat

Closed Sunday

Copyright © TheTakeoverStrategy. All Rights Reserved


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