
Published 7th May 2024, Business Restructuring/Business Development/Business Strategies

How Restructuring Gives Your Business a Competitive Edge (2024)

Good Morning, Afternoon, Evening, wherever you are in the world as we speak, Welcome to The Takeover Strategy Blog. Welcome, Welcome, Welcome.

Listen!!! So many businesses are failing at the moment, sales have dropped off the edge of a cliff, and businesses are going backward not forwards, how do we restructure to go forward, hang tight as I am about to tell you.

So you are looking for ways to stay ahead of the game in the competitive business world we live in!

I get it, I do, businesses everywhere across the globe that were once firing at all cylinders are now stoking the fire to get a spark! They keep trying to relight that fire over and over again!

Do you know why they can't get that spark back? Of course, they need to book a free 45-minute call with me or one of the team, as we restructure businesses for a living.

However, for those of you who want to try and do it yourself, it's very simple!

Let's get one thing very straight Restructuring isn't RE BRA ND ING. Restructuring is RE BUILDING.

This is where many of you go wrong, you see businesses offering re-branding solutions that will solve your problems, and yes to a certain extent it will, however, you have to rebuild.

You see the world changes, it changes every day, time moves, and so does industry. Restructuring doesn't mean your business is rubbish or the product you are selling is poor, it means you have gone far too long without restructuring.

Businesses need to restructure every twelve to eighteen months. Now, years ago you didn't need to change that quickly, but the catch is that we are growing at a rate of knots in industry and technology, whereas twenty years or even ten years ago it was slower, a lot slower.

So when it comes to restructuring there is a major stumbling block for many, do you know what that is? FEAR.

You see when you've had a business for a long time and it's done very well for you in the past, you get lazy. It's like this in most romantic relationships, the man gets comfortable, he thinks he's hit the promised land and he gets lazy, then problems occur in the relationship and it starts to decline, it's the same in business.

Now I am not saying you might be lazy in your work ethic, no not at all, having your own business is tough, and I raise my glass to anyone who has achieved it. No the problem comes when you've done it, you have achieved it, and then you have to rebuild it, it is a scary feeling.

You see you know what's coming, can you go through that again? The pain, the sleepless nights, and the long hours! Now if you had stayed on top of it, it wouldn't be hard to re-structure, but because it's been left, you fear the rebuilding process.

But you need to get that hunger back you once had, YOU KNOW when you first started, that's all that's missing, truthfully you are probably a better version of yourself now than you were when you first started.

Restructuring your business can give you the edge you need to succeed in 2024 and beyond.

By restructuring, you can streamline your operations, cut costs, and improve efficiency.

This not only helps you stay competitive but also allows you to adapt to changing market conditions.

But restructuring isn't just about cutting costs. It's also about reevaluating your business model, processes, and strategies.

This can help you identify new opportunities for growth and innovation.

So, don't wait until it's too late.

Start restructuring your business now to stay ahead of the game.

Like I said at the beginning my team and I are here to help, we could take that fear away by restructuring your business for you, I have dropped the link below to book a free 45-minute call to discuss your restructuring process.

Thanks for watching the video!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel for more tips on how to succeed in the ever-changing business world.

I'm John Thompson, Love, and Light

Schedule a complimentary 45-minute call.

Let's enhance your sales game, you know you can achieve more.



John Thompson

CEO/Founder, Business Development Entrepreneur & Life Coach

Kasia Papadopoulos

Freelance Lead Designer, and Business Development Entrepreneur & Life Coach

Jake Mann

Freelance SEO Expert and Digital Marketer

Deema Patel

Freelance Email Marketer and Content Writer


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