
Published 3rd June 2024, Business Strategies/Business Development

How to Trust Your Gut and
Succeed in Business as an Entrepreneur

Good Morning, Afternoon, Evening, wherever you are in the world as we speak, Welcome to The Takeover Strategy Blog. Welcome, Welcome, Welcome.

Did you know that your gut is lined with millions of neurons, often referred to as your 'second brain'? Trusting your gut in business may be backed by science!

Hey there, entrepreneurs! Have you ever had a gut feeling about a business decision that turned out to be spot on? Well, today we're diving into the power of intuition in business and how trusting your gut can lead to success.

Intuition plays a huge role in the entrepreneurial journey. It's about tapping into your inner wisdom and making decisions based on instinct rather than just data and analysis. So, why is trusting your gut essential for entrepreneurs like you?

One of the biggest challenges entrepreneurs face is the decision-making dilemma between following their intuition or relying solely on data-driven insights or the opinions of others.

It can be tough to trust your instincts when all the numbers and trends point in a different direction. But sometimes, going with your gut can lead to breakthrough moments.

When considering going with your gut feeling though, always concentrate on that inner voice, it isn't the loud voice you hear that your everyday conscious mind creates.

You need to concentrate on that small voice that comes in very quickly with an idea and a feeling and leaves just as quickly. This is your Intuition and I believe that your intuition is your soul speaking to you.

The problem is we don't catch the thought quick enough, because a. it's not there long enough and we haven't learned how to catch the thought.

Another thing is to always trust yourself and back yourself, and don't take on everyone's opinion don't take on anyone. Why? Because you might be asking people their opinions and they might not be as developed as you or had as much growth, so you might be asking people to make decisions for you who are younger spiritually than

Trusting your gut in business has numerous benefits. It allows for quick decision-making, helps unleash creativity, and enables you to seize opportunities that others might overlook. It's about listening to that inner voice that guides you toward the right path.

So what are the key moments where trusting your gut paid off big time? Think about successful entrepreneurs like Steve Jobs, who famously followed his intuition in creating groundbreaking products like the iPhone. By trusting his instincts, he revolutionized the tech industry and changed the way we live our lives today.

I believe if you follow your gut and your instincts and learn to focus when those small and quick ideas come in, this will lead you to your life purpose.

Before we wrap up, Like and share your experiences of trusting your gut in business in the comments below.

And don't forget to subscribe for more entrepreneurial tips and insights.

Trust your gut, take calculated risks, and watch your business soar to new heights.

Thanks for watching!

I'm John Thompson and Love and Light

Schedule a complimentary 45-minute call.

Let's work together and teach you how to follow that quick voice you hear which is your Intuition 



John Thompson


Business Development Entrepreneur & Life Coach

Kasia Papadopoulos

Freelance Lead Designer

Business Development Entrepreneur & Life Coach

Migelie Luna

Freelance Lead Designer 

Business Development Entrepreneur & Life Coach


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