One in a million, Once in a lifetime!!
Hello Everyone, Welcome, Welcome, Welcome.
Not many of you will know this nobody knows this, I am currently writing a book as well as running several businesses and trying to help as many people as I can create better lives for themselves, I truly, deeply, honestly want to leave an imprint on this world, this is my life purpose, to make sure as many of you succeed in life as possible, yes, of course, I want my happiness, but I always say if I can make one person smile every day and raise their vibration, I’m ok, but what if I could make 1000 people smile a day or 10,000? Wouldn’t that be something? I have a question for you, what does this title mean to you? Probably not a lot I expect, but if you had to put it to your own life? What would it mean? I do believe this title can mean many different things, to me it means something that you had, cherished, and before you realized it was gone. I don’t want you guys and girls to make that mistake, if you have already I hope you learned, but I don’t want any of you looking back at that moment with regrets.
Regrets can be a bitter pill to swallow, and if you’re not working on your self-development regularly then they may haunt you throughout your life, and if that is the case then drop me a message on the Contacts form and we can have a chat, I will be able to help you push past that. Once in a million, once in a lifetime? That’s your opportunity right there, your opportunity to grab LIFE by the horns and push through whatever you are going through or you have gone through in the past, because if you miss the opportunity, or you don’t follow your intuition then, your miss the boat and someone else will set sail on it. It’s like This Blog or our Social Media I can’t force people to join our blog or follow us and interact with us, however, what I do know and I mean this in the nicest way possible, is they are missing out, perhaps their not ready to go on a journey of growth on their Professional path, their path, and their Spiritually path, but if they are ready and walk away without trying, then that could be their one in a million, once in a lifetime situation! I hope you will not be one of those people, so Join the blog, and Join social media, at the top of the home page doesn’t cost a penny, what have you got to lose? Nothing to lose, but absolutely everything to gain!
So, my book it’s going to be wonderful, it’s so strange that I am writing a book, it’s even more strange as an Ex-Girlfriend of mine told me that she had a vision of me writing a book, she was a good person, she had a lot for visions of me going through this next chapter in my life, she was a very beautiful soul, she taught me a lot and gave me a home when I needed it the most, making me part of her family, she shall be receiving the first copy once they are printed. OK so moving on, I can’t have my readers crying themselves to sleep tonight, not great for views! The reason we are talking about my book today is because of the title as I explained, it’s important to understand that we have to grab opportunities in life and not let our limiting beliefs get the better of us, and don’t be in the illusion that others don’t have limiting beliefs, we all have them, yes even Elon Musk! You see we have to have them? Ask yourself, if you lived a life on earth where you weren’t tested and pushed in certain aspects of your life, would you go anywhere or do anything? These beliefs are put in place to push you along your journey making sure you see out the journey that has been put in front of you. The problem is we don’t remember the reasons why they are with us, so sadly some get stuck with them and can’t move, so then depression hits and so on, this is why the term ology called pushing forward is key, when you push forward you are driving more strength into SELF, YOU so as you push forward you get stronger and stronger, wiser and wiser and older and older sadly 🙂 but because you are building strength, your limiting beliefs start to fade, I believe and it’s my opinion that the BIGGER your life purpose is the longer the limiting beliefs will stay with you, but you must look at it as you are meant for truly great things, and this inspires you whilst raising your vibration. You start to seek your true purpose in life and this is where I find myself today, talking to you. My book covers these topics in larger detail, hence us speaking on the subject today.
One final thing I’d like to touch base on which is also in my book, as I feel it might be beneficial. But, before we go onto that I want you to know you are safe with me and my team, I can’t tell you enough, that all we want is for you to succeed, if you succeed, we succeed, and if we both succeed, then were both be in some hot country sipping Pina Colada’s before you know it, I’m game if you are :)! No seriously, any issues you may have, please, please drop me a line on the contacts form, I’m not going to charge you for my time, although that may change if you start making 1000’s pounds ;), no please reach out, even if it is a short piece of advice, it would be my pleasure. OK OK back on track, How many times have you heard that the world is Changing? Everyday? Every week? Monthly? Yearly? things change so rapidly. Let me ask you, TIP I want you to grab yourself a pen and paper. Write this title Do I think people have to change as quickly as the world around them? Is it possible to change that quickly? Five Minutes the timer is on tick, tick, tick, tick
Welcome back, how was it? Easy? What was your conclusion? Drop me a message at the bottom of this blog and tell me once you have finished reading and I will write back to you. I shall tell you what I found, it’s simply a HUGE YES! People can move as quickly as the world around them, they have to, because otherwise they get left behind, or someone grabs their spot on the boat, sailing off into the sunset, and you got it, you’re left behind with regrets! It’s so important and I can’t stress enough how important it is to be growing personally and professionally, but it’s more important to know when you are doing it and why you have done it, this is when you truly hit your full potential and you start to see how far you have come. Once you see how far you have come and how much you have changed in a short period, guess what happens? You start believing that you already believe in yourself because half of us do believe in ourselves, but we don’t believe we believe 🙂 funny isn’t it?
Let’s talk about you, the reader. Rod, Jane, or Freddie whoever you are, me and my team want to understand you. We want to understand all of you, we want to know why you are here. And I mean it? We want to understand why you are here. We want you to reach out through our contacts page, or at the bottom of this blog or any blog post, and tell us what you want to achieve. And were tell you how WE you and I can do it. We have the knowledge that transforms lives both in your personal life and profession, it doesn’t matter what the issue is, of course within reason, I can’t do hysterectomies, I can however, put you on the right road to a successful life. Why do you think me and my team want to get to know you? Why would a team of business strategists want to get to know you and know who you are and what are your pains? Listen, maybe we will meet one day when we’re flying off to that hot country, maybe were have a Skype, teams, or Zoom meeting one day and discuss what can be done to get you back on track, perhaps you will read our blog, join all our social media platforms and take advantage of freebies we will be offering or knowledge we will be offering, whatever works for you, as it’s fine with us. We just want you to feel confident enough to go out there and grab that girl of your dreams or that man of your dreams, or the life you have always wanted along with a career that feeds your daily inspirations, we just want you to know we are HERE FOR YOU!
So, finishing off today’s blog I hope you have found it interesting, this blog was focused on making you open your mind wider, I hope you can see what we are trying to achieve in our blogs, if you haven’t read the other Blog Posts then I suggest you do so. If you read back there has been a pattern with our written blogs, if you want to feel the full force of what we are doing and this isn’t a plug, read them at least five times, and I will tell you what that pattern is Next time 🙂
Last thing, talking of plugs 🙂 I need a new one for my bath! No haha, that wasn’t it our first strategy is due out in late September I can’t give you the title, although it’s confirmed, it’s going to be based on Lead Funnels, Sales Funnels, Email Marketing, All Social Media Platforms Tricks & Tips of how to get the best out of them, Copywriting and Freelancing. So, we have created easy-to-implement strategies in PDF & Video Tutorials that will create a whole new career for someone who wants to get into the world of digital marketing or wants to create a new business focused on Freelancing a niche, we are giving you all the tools to be successful in either.
All the best & God Bless You