
Published 26th April 2024, Sales and Marketing/Business Development/Business Strategies

Learn to Think Outside the BOX!

Good Morning, Afternoon, Evening, wherever you are in the world as we speak, Welcome to The Takeover Strategy Blog. Welcome, Welcome, Welcome.

I know why you are watching this video, you are tired of the same old strategies that just aren't cutting it anymore.

I think it's time to think outside that box and explore new ways to boost your sales.

As I am sure you are aware traditional tactics like cold calling and email blasts are becoming less effective in today's fast-paced world.

Although you can still use the traditional methods, you need to create more in-depth strategies, where quality is much better than quantity

Years ago it used to be the more numbers you did, the more success you would get, and to a certain extent that is still correct, however, the world has changed and so has the sales game.

One thing we tend to forget is that the people you are trying to get an appointment with are getting ten to twenty of you trying to do the same thing. So it's clear you need to make yourself different from the others in the pack chasing!

So how do we make ourselves different?

One powerful strategy is leveraging social media to connect with potential customers in a more personal way. By engaging with your audience online, you can build trust and loyalty that can lead to increased sales and opportunities.

No matter what industry you work in you can build a social media audience that follows you and engages with you. Even using your personal social media profiles like Facebook or Twitter can enhance your business profile and as you grow so does the recognition of the business you work for.

Another game-changing approach is to focus on providing value rather than just pushing a product.

This is a tricky one, because as I stand in front of you for many industries it is currently a buyer's market, which is fine because it is swings and roundabouts, it changes all the time.

However, there are ways of giving value without taking the cost out.

What I am saying is don't focus on the product giving the customer value, give that value, but also make sure you look at another thing to offer them, so if the product doesn't work, and you still have offered value services for example, you will probably find you will get another opportunity to create a better pricing structure, because the service value you have offered has pulled them in enough.

Also, as I have said in other videos, ask the right questions paint your picture, and listen for any little things that you can focus on to create your value proposition.

By understanding your customers' needs and offering solutions, you can establish yourself as a trusted advisor and go-to resource.

Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and try new things.

Lastly, again it doesn't matter what sales role or industry you are in, host events, do live, talk about your products, do videos, do demos, tell people about you, show people who you are, let customers get to know the real you.

Whether it's hosting a virtual event, partnering with influencers, or creating interactive content, the possibilities are endless.

By thinking outside the box and embracing innovative sales strategies, you can take your business to new heights and blow your competition out of the water.

Thanks for watching the video! Don't forget to subscribe to our channel for more game-changing sales tips and strategies.

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Let's enhance your sales game, you know you can achieve more.



John Thompson

CEO/Founder, Business Development Entrepreneur & Life Coach

Kasia Papadopoulos

Freelance Lead Designer, and Business Development Entrepreneur & Life Coach

Jake Mann

Freelance SEO Expert and Digital Marketer

Deema Patel

Freelance Email Marketer and Content Writer


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