Good Morning, Afternoon, Evening, where ever you are in the world as we speak, Welcome to The Takeover Strategy, WELCOME, WELCOME, WELCOME!

I hope you are all well today, I am very well! Loving life! Helping businesses and individuals across the world grow not only themselves, but their businesses, and I must say we are producing some fantastic results! I want to thank all my clients for the last few months, together we are pushing the world forward, growing entrepreneurs taking them out of the rat race, and putting them in charge of their destinies! There is something beautiful about having your own business and watching it grow, there is something magical about having your own business and controlling your own life, stepping away from the control of others. Don’t get it twisted, it is hard having your own business, but like anything the positives outweigh the negatives, you will never get away from the negatives totally, there always has to be that Ying and Yang, it’s the balance of life, you have to take the rough with the smooth. If you are reading this blog and you thinking well I am glad you are doing well, but my business is failing, and I am disillusioned with it, it’s so simple just book a 15-minute FREE, yes FREE STRATEGY CALL and let’s get started, if you like what you hear from us, then we can put a plan in place and build your business as we have done with 100’s of others, it’s so simple, it is a NO BRAINER! or if you don’t want to do that, join our blog, get weekly emails of everything that is going on and get FREE TIPS on how to grow your business.


Our last three blogs have been focused on building the correct business strategy the blogs are “If you don’t have a business strategy, you will lose!” Do you have a business strategy?and “Strategically getting it right” Read them before you read this blog post, in this blog post we are going to wrap this up, there will be more to tell in the coming months, but these blog posts are there to give you an understanding of what is involved if you want more information, as I said book a FREE STRATEGY CALL, it won’t cost you anything, the first call is on us, and don’t worry we don’t do any selling to you on these calls, trying to tie you into spending 1000’s of pounds, all we do is lay out what will need to be done and then it’s up to you whether you want to go forward if you do great if you don’t we wish you all the luck in the world on your business adventure.

In The Takeover Strategy, we work with a six-tier system when growing an online business, this six-tier system is what we call the “six pillars to abundance” and it lasts for one year! Now, one year isn’t set in stone, it all depends on what your niche is and how far you are down the chain to abundance, this is also based on YOU putting a certain amount of hours into your new business or existing business, but generally, we find it takes between 12-18 months to start earning a decent income from your online business, but as I said this is dependant on how much you put into it, we have no control over that, we guide, instruct, solve problems and structure you and your business, we train and coach you, you my friend have to implement. So, the six pillars of abundance as I said are structured based on one year, this is a guideline, in the six pillars we have various tasks to implement which last for various lengths of time before moving on to the next pillar. For example, I spoke to a client this morning who is on pillar three/stage three she has three pillars to go, and she will now implement pillar three, we are expecting this pillar to take around three months, although we are speaking every week supporting her. With many of our clients, we have one or two calls a week for an hour, where we talk about how they are getting on, we discuss problems, and we discuss changing things slightly, as nothing is set in stone, you have to adapt when growing a business, there are many different things we discuss, after all, we are your coaches, we motivate, we struct, we also make sure you are growing through this process, this is very important, no stone is unturned on our weekly calls. Of course, these calls are based on business, we also have other calls which are regarding you and your well-being, growth, and personal and spiritual development, but we will discuss this further in another post.


I want to discuss another important element to your business strategy today which is your Digital Marketing Strategy! There is so much information all over the internet on this topic, but the problem is that half of the people don’t know what they are talking about, and I mean this most in the nicest of ways, I do, I mean the people that move from one subject to another, one week they know everything about business development, another week it’s property development, the next it’s SEO! The problem with these people, is they aren’t focused on one thing, they are spinning too many plates, if you don’t know anything about Digital Marketing, focus a year on that and study it, read as many books as you can, become an expert in it, then sell it! Most of my team have over twenty years of experience, they have done business development to death, and they know absolutely everything, how do they know? Because we have put the work into learning it, just like a footballer, just like a boxer, just like anyone at the top of their game, so I implore you to learn a niche, stick at it and learn it, become an expert in it, and don’t become a JACK OF ALL TRADES!

Digital Marketing Strategy:-

Part of Digital Marketing comes into pillar one of our six pillars to abundance, and this part comes into pillar two, but again it all depends on where you are in your business journey and what your business is! The things to look at here are Social Media Marketing, Lead Funnels/Sales Funnels, Email Marketing campaigns, and Copywriting/Content Writing whilst creating value. As I mentioned in the past we always tell our students to grow organically before opening a blog or a website, this builds anticipation, it builds intrigue, but you have to, and I mean it’s important to put the right content out there giving potential customers value. Whilst you are building organically you can then start building a blog, For any business, whether you are a start-up, a small business, a medium business, or even a large business a newsletter and a blog is a MUST, why? Because it gives potential customers or even customers value, something for nothing! You can take, but you MUST, MUST give back double what you take, it’s a UNIVERSAL LAW! This section would come under your Social Media Marketing, you set up all your social media accounts and you work on them before you do anything, this is your website and blog for the first three months, if not longer. You are strategically planning your posts every week, you are strategically planning when you are going to put your posts together, you are strategically planning what is in the posts, you keep the same pattern every week, you follow a strategic plan which we would help you with, in this strategic plan we build intrigue, we give value, yes it is repetitive, but it works. You see it isn’t about how many posts you put out, it’s about what is in the posts. I have seen it myself, everyone sending it out I’ve hit 10k followers on my Facebook account, or 20K, 30K which is fantastic! However, their business is about SEO for example and they are marketing a monkey in a tree swinging around. Do you know what that means? What does it mean? it’s highly likely they have 10K follows, but 1K is interested in what they are doing the other 9K don’t give monkeys (excuse the pun) in what they are doing, because they are in the same mindset, that mindset is? Focus on how many subscribers they can get, rather than having only 200 people that are engaged in your material, and as I have said in previous posts, don’t focus on the prize, focus on the people that will get you to the prize. In previous businesses and the takeover strategy most of our posts, will have some focus on VALUE, teaching something, giving something to someone, offering something, and what happens over time is that you build your audience, it takes time, but you will eventually have an audience that is engaged in you and your business and your material whether it is product or service, as one of my mentors used to say, it is all about quality, not quantity.


As time pushes on in your business journey no matter what level you are at you will always have some sort of lead funnels, Landing Pages, and Sales Funnels, and again it’s important to set these up fairly early in your business strategy, for us this comes under pillar two in your “six pillars to the abundance” however many customers come to us with these already set up, it’s then up to us to help rebuild them, re-structure them, maybe help re-write them, along with offering new ideas for them. The thing is with Landing Pages, Lead Funnels, and Sales Funnels you have to keep on changing them, you can’t leave them for six months, people get bored, so you need to be re-doing them every six weeks! This includes Lead Funnels like Surveys, Quizs, Webinars, Advertorials, and Newsletters (however you should be changing this weekly) Now, you are probably saying but I have a blog at this point or website to point them to, no you don’t, but we always focus at the beginning to focus them from your social media platforms to other social media platforms or of course your email marketing lists. In these funnels you are offering gifts, you are offering free vouchers if it’s a product, free codes, and so on! You are building intrigue, when people get the value they will stick around and they won’t mind giving back to you. You are building lists of people that want your products or services way before you have any blog or website, so when you then get one, what happens is that the customer thinks yes it’s here and they purchase, then once they purchase, you have other forms of funnels/email marketing to get them to come back. I will give you an example, all of a sudden you launch your website, you’ve done all that we have told you to do, you have a list, you have followers, engaged followers, they enter your launch they purchase, you have them as a customer they have purchased, they are now hooked, so you have them on the hook and you are now reeling them in, so what you do is have email campaigns in place to reel them back in once you have put them back in the water, you put them back and reel them in again. What happens is “people don’t like change” you build a habit in them, it takes 21 days to build a habit, where it is uncomfortable to change, of course, you can change, but many many people don’t like it, they like a simple life! So as long as your service levels are good and your products or services and shipping times are on point, with the correct methods after the first sale they will return, this is the most valuable point of lead/sales funnels, yes they build lists and value, but they also help control in a nonmanipulative way your customer’s habits and mind. This leads on beautifully to copywriting and content writing, I am not going to lie I am very straight to the point, and I don’t beat around the bush, this has got me in trouble in the past, but this is me, and would you rather have someone that lies to you 24/7, or know the facts from an honest standpoint? Sadly some just don’t like the truth, they can’t handle the truth, and it triggers them, but that’s ok, this is their insecurities, not mine. However, if you do have these insecurities that’s ok, we all have some form of insecurities we need to work on, we the takeover team can help, so I would book a strategy call, we can help bring them to the surface and eradicate them. Yes, so copywriting and content writing is a difficult task, it’s hard to get engagement this is the issue, and this is your hardest task, although we can help, nothing is unachievable! You are going to have to be able to engage people through words, but, reels and videos are now a great way to engage, usually you will be good at one or the other, you will either be a good writer or you will be good verbally, but also there are a few people who excel verbally, and write great copy! In our FREE E-BOOK THE DIGITAL TAKEOVER we explain how to format the correct way, there are various templates you can follow, but these templates will inspire your ideas, and by this point, you will understand your brand and your market, I would expect you to be an expert in your field by now. I will give you one TIP on writing a story I have mentioned this in other posts, but it’s the easiest way to start and practice. In most high calibre films you watch whether it’s a James Bond film or a Missions Impossible film for example they will start the film with a scene which puts you on the edge of your seat. Have you noticed? Why do they do it this way? They do it to get your engagement from the get-go, you watch that scene and you are hooked, you are wanting to know what happens next! The same scenario would be how you write an email campaign for example. Let’s pick a topic, hmm let’s say your niche supplements in the fitness industry! You would start your first email along the lines of “I just can’t find the correct supplements, I have looked everywhere, online there seem to be so many different brands, when searching you don’t know which one to choose, you go onto YOUTUBE and they are advertising again different brands that do different things, it’s so confusing! You want someone to just say “Listen this is what you need, don’t listen to the noise” I ended up using ten different brands in two months and didn’t get the results I wanted, you are eating healthy, you are seeing everyone else grow in the gym and you seem to be going nowhere! This is how I felt once, but not anymore. Let me tell you what happened! So there you go, you are listing possible pains for the customer, they can relate to you, they are going through what you went through, this is why it’s important to research because when you research you will understand your customer’s pains and the things they come up against which will then help build a strategy in your content writing.

So there you have it, of course in the coming weeks, months, and years we will target my strategy work. As I said before like and follow our blog, join our social media platforms if you are interested in growth, book a free strategy call, and let’s get started.

Thank you 

The Takeover Team



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