How many times have you read or watched stories whether it’s Blogs, Books, Forums, or Videos that harp on about the fact that you need to get your mind in gear to enable you to be Wealthy, create happiness, bring you a man or a beautiful woman whatever is your preference! How often do you see these actual pieces of feed that make you feel like RUBBISH? What is it that makes you feel like RUBBISH? Is it the fact these people seem to have their LIFE TOGETHER, there driving the latest Ferrari or cruising on that BIG JET, or is it that they seem balanced, clean cut, slim, or are they in the gym every day, one minute they’re on a feed pouring a glass of green juice, next minute their eating some oats, the next they are laying on their crisp white bed covers or making the thing, I have never seen one person make their bed as much as their doing,  or is it yoga, stretching in all kinds of freaky positions? Have you seen these videos/posts/reels? I am sure you have because I know you are probably one of those people that scroll through TikTok watching someone eat imaginary fruit with chops sticks with pixie ears saying yum every time someone throws them a piece of food that isn’t even there and they make these ridiculous sounds, it’s very difficult being a business owner without being tempted by having a scroll especially when you have many different posts going out so regularly, lucky for me I have Self-discipline, do I have a scroll ” yeah for two minutes” then the mind goes from neural, to gear one to gear two and I switch ON, the problem is everyone on these social media platforms dribbling saying I love you every five minutes can’t get out of gear one, SADLY some are in reverse!


I just want to get the best out of people and believe me if you want a dream team or a dream sales team, or you want me and my team to push you and give you the tools to achieve greatness, we are here for you! In my blog, you are going to find real information from real people who want you to achieve more than anything because it makes us look good 🙂 In our blog, you will find professionalism, but you will also find serious talk, I’m not here to build people up and sugarcoat everything for you, this journey you want to take, it’s hard, it’s really hard, sometimes you are going to want to quit and give up, sometimes you will feel like you can’t go on, your want to go back to scrolling, but trust me if you stick at this blog and our strategies as and when they become available, you will achieve greatness, and guess what you have people that have been there and done it cheering you on, were your cheerleaders, although I don’t look great in a mini skirt sorry, not that I have ever worn one 🙂  We are here to make your lives better, whilst helping you make a truckload of money AND to stop you scrolling through TikTok dribbling and putting posts on Facebook showing everyone that you just had mushy peas with a soggy sausage, for my overseas fans mushy peas are green peas mushed up to look like Guacamole, and if you don’t know what Guacamole is, then well you better find a new Blog post 🙂


Look, I get it Social Media is needed from a professional point of view, you have 1000’s and 1000’s people clicking through for minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years, these people are the $$$$$£££££ we need them, they need us! But for the people who aren’t meant to be stuck in a hamster wheel, and trust me I know what a hamster wheel looks like, I have been in one many years ago and I have recently seen a hamster going around in one too, I was watching it grinding on that wheel! Do you know what I thought? This is how spiritual I am and open-minded I looked at Hammie, let’s call her Hammie as I don’t want to get sued by her owner for using her name online, I looked at Hammie and I thought wow ” You MY GIRL ARE GRINDING” then I sat down a grabbed a cold beer because I was knackered just watching her 🙂 no, seriously I thought if you a Hamster that only lives a short life can do what you are doing, why aren’t my clients wasting their potential online scrolling looking for the next dopamine fix or a pixie-eating imaginary fruit, mumbling “(OH LOVELY) when what they should be doing is working on themselves gaining as much growth as they can gain in this lifetime to take it into the next one, or gain as much knowledge they can and build their dream life, I have said before I think in my very first BLOG, the life you want is right at the tip of your fingers, it’s at the tip of everyone’s fingers, every single human being. Ok I get it some people just can’t be BOTHERED and that’s ok, but for the people that want it, it’s there, so go and take it. The other thing I thought whilst I was sitting watching Hammie, and I have to tell you I love that hamster, that little thing has taught me lessons, I was watching her in that wheel and it felt like my life in the past, going around and around, making what I thought were bad mistakes, but no mistake is a mistake, remember that, no mistake is a mistake, every mistake you learn from, and if you don’t learn the first time you will learn in the end.


This blog today is about YOU,  yes you the person who thinks they can’t DO ANYTHING! This is about SELF, everything in our lifetime contains HAPPINESS IN SELF. When you find your SELF and you find your PURPOSE, this is when you will come into your own, and if you’re on my blog reading it I believe this means career, business, financial stability or personnel growth is your purpose, because you are here, you are taking the time to read what I am saying and for me, that means you are serious and you are already putting the jigsaw pieces together. You see just because you’re here and that I can make you into a business-driven machine doesn’t mean you are egoistical or selfish because you are chasing the $$$£££ What that means to me is that you’re here looking to work on your SELF, you want to grow! In a previous post, I spoke about Value, valuing yourself, and valuing others, in the concept of SELF you are doing the same, they are but one.


SELF has a massive connection to Business/Career/Financial Stability and personnel growth because your whole life evolves around it. I will give you an example and we have already touched on it “Social Media” As I said social media is a valuable tool when used right. Now I used the examples of the green juice people and the showing food on Facebook people, along with showing everywhere you go people, logging in, and logging out. Then you have people like me who place adverts online on social media to win new business, and attract new clients, what am I doing from a business point of view? I am trying to gain attention, what is the green juice man or woman doing or the Facebook meal poster, or the person that has done something fabulous, ” gone to Tesco to food shop 🙂 “They are trying to gain attention! Why am I trying to gain attention? To develop my business which then develops me? What are they doing? They are looking for attention for happiness, the feel-good factor, because? Yes you got it they have NO SELF WORTH or a lack of it, they require it from someone else. Someone with SELF-WORTH will pick up a book, and someone with a LACK OF SELF-WORTH with pick up a mobile phone.

Some food for thought there, have a think and next time you go to scroll ” hang on ” I am never really going to know myself or grow myself on my mobile, I think I’ll grab a book tonight or read ” The Takeover Strategies Blogs” there you go.

Before you go you will see a FREE DOWNLOAD on our home page, if you click the link it will take you back to the home page. Sign up for our blog, and grab yourself this FREE PDF readable document, it’s written by one of my good friends John Thornhill. John has been one of my true mentors in my life so far, he has over 100 five-star reviews with CLICKBANK and he is one of the leading CLICKBANK sellers online at the moment, his courses, well they are masterpieces, IF YOU ARE KEEN TO START A JOURNEY DOWNLOAD IT, it’s FREE, it’s on us, it’s a really good read.

Anyway, I must dash I need to watch Hammie in her wheel again 🙂

See you on the next Blog on Wednesday 7th June 2023 when we will go deeper in on how we are going to get you to the stars!

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